To celebrate 500 Likes on my Facebook page, I made this necklace for a giveaway:
I received 28 emails for the giveaway drawing, and I numbered them in the order that they came in. I used, as always, to draw a random number between 1 and 26 and the number that came out was:
The winner is Debbie Glaze! Congratulations Debbie! Debbie, we would all love to see you wearing your necklace, so take a picture and post it to the Facebook page when you get it. And, thank you to everyone else! I really appreciate you all. Your feedback and support means a great deal to me. As soon as we hit 600 fans I will do another drawing.
Some of the things that can get us there faster are you guys. You all are the best marketing anyone can have. Your word of mouth and sharing my Facebook posts of pieces of jewelry you like go along way to bring others to the page. Thank you.