Friday, October 28, 2011

Computers, computers, computers, more computers...and a Web page

School is really kicking my backside right now. Every time I think I'm ahead of the game, something happens and I am further behind than ever. This is really stressing me out. Its a tough quarter because of the classes I'm teaching plus we upgraded our learning management system where my online courses are at and it seems nothing is working right. It seems like all I do is fight fires and get further and further behind in grades and prep.

Needless to say, this is playing havoc with my jewelry making (which stresses me out even more). I have two holiday shows coming up and I am getting nothing accomplished. Well, I am trying to make the best of it. Since I am spending so much time on the computer anyway, I am trying to put together the beginnings of a Web site for Big Grass Farm Designs.

I have put this off for waaayyyy too long. You see, this is what I do for a living. I teach computers...mainly multimedia and Web design. So, its kind of understandable that when I get away from that...building a Web site for my business is not my idea of relaxation. 

In between grading, preps, and fighting fires in my Blackboard classrooms I am tinkering around with the beginnings of a site. I am playing around with the structured and layout and some initial graphics and content. Trying to decide what needs to be on it, and what people will want to see.

 Anyway, stay tuned and maybe I will have something soon for people to look at and give me suggestions on. That is...if I keep my sanity!

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